/ project summary / exhibition tour / research / theory / practice
/ impressum

The project was developed jointly by the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, the Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich and the D/O/C/K department at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Be Creative! has been devised by two project groups in Zurich and Leipzig including designers from academic institutions and academic guests; it will be shown in two different exhibition formats in Zurich and Leipzig. In this way the project is testing out a link between research work, design work and communication in the HGK Zürich's Cultural Studies in Art Media and Design department.

Curator: Marion von Osten
Co-curator: Peter Spillmann
Academic assistants: Tom Holert, cultural historian, Cologne; Ulrich Bröckling, sociologist, Freiburg im Breisgau
Design project team: Regula Bearth, photographer, Zurich; Alice Cantaluppi, theory diploma HGK Zürich; Caro Cebaro, visual communication diploma HGK Zürich; Thomas Comiotto, new media student HGK Zürich; Sabine Falk, artist, Hamburg; Stefanie Habluetzel, creative design diploma HGK Zürich; Linda Herzog, new media student HGK Zürich; pro qm (Jesko Fezer, Axel John Wieder, Katja Reichard), architects and artists, Berlin; Irene Ledermann, creative design diploma HGK Zürich, Felix Reidenbach, illustrator, Hamburg; Dominik Roost, handicraft diploma HGK Zürich; Teresa Salerno, photography student HGK Zürich, Kilian Schellbach, artist, Leipzig, Monika Wisniewska, architect and new media lecturer HGKZ, Zürich
Staging: Peter Spillmann / Marion von Osten; Zurich
Graphics: Natalie Seitz, Zurich
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich:
Architecture: This Dormann
Project direction: René Dalucas
Exhibition secretaries: Tina Schalow, Nicole Cannellotto
Press officer: Tina Gut
Construction: Werkstatt MfGZ, Jürg Abegg (director)
Accompanying brochure: Edition MfGZ, Christina Reble

Curators at HGB Leipzig: Prof. Beatrice von Bismarck / Alexander Koch for the /D/O/C/K project department, HGB Leipzig
Museum für Gestaltung
Ausstellungsstr. 60 Postfach
CH-8031 Zürich
T. ++41 1 446 25 00
F. ++41 1 446 22 33

Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst
Hafnerstrasse 31 Postfach
CH-8031 Zürich
T. ++41 1 446 26 52
F. ++41 1 446 26 53

Labor k3000
Schöneggstrasse 5
CH-8004 Zürich
T. ++41 1 291 30 40
F. ++41 1 291 30 40

HGB Leipzig
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig
Wächterstr. 11
D-04107 Leipzig
T. ++49 341 2135 0
F. ++49 341 2135 166

10/2003 - Labor k3000