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Be Creative! - Der kreative Imperativ
Ausstellung und Tagung im Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Marion von Osten (Kuratorin), Peter Spillmann (Ko-Kurator, Szenografie)

Be Creative! The creative imperative

Creativity used to be seen as something peculiar to artists, designers and dissidents. Now it is considered essential for survival in the current labour, attentiveness and relations markets. It is already the social norm to market your own «labour force» as a entrepreneur in your own right, and to use periods without work and temporary appointments efficiently. Ability to organize yourself, creativity and self-motivation have become models for the «information workers» of the future, and so have some qualities with «female» connotations: intuition, reflexivity, social competence and group responsibility, which are also seen as essential for commercial innovation. Subcultural practices and non-conformist living models no longer disturb the business flow in a company either, but are even said to increase productivity. Artists and designers are taken as the model here.
Creativity is therefore seen as a key asset by a whole range of social institutions and interest groups - but also increasingly as a key necessity. Life-style magazines, management concepts, the New Economy, the restructured labour market, educational policy, all these make creativity - in the form of a resource that can be individually activated - into a promise that you can - and must- make your personal success your own business.

The Be Creative! exhibition takes a look at these changing concepts and the social design process that goes with them. It includes company mission statements, working organizations, design concepts and motivation tools that have profoundly changed everyday life in the workplace, and takes in the educational system as well. It considers very recent town planning developments demonstrating these social changes; there have been interviews and film projects where designers, artists and employees can have their say about their everyday working lives and the situation in the education world. At the same time the exhibition takes a new look at utopian models for living, learning and working against this background.


Projektleitung MfGZ: René Dalucas
Kuratorin: Marion von Osten, Künstlerin, Autorin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am ith Zürich
Ko-Kurator: Peter Spillmann, Künstler und Ausstellungsmacher, Zürich
Ausstellungssekreteriat: Tina Schalow, Nicole Canelotto, Marilena Cipriano

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit:
Tom Holert, Kulturwissenschaftler, Köln; Ulrich Bröckling, Soziologe, Freiburg i. Breisgau

Gestalterische Arbeiten:
Regula Bearth, Zürich; Ursula Bosshard, Zürich; Caro Cerbaro, Zürich; Thomas Comiotto, Zürich; Sabine Falk, Hamburg; Anna Valentina Francia, Leipzig; Monika Gold, Zürich; Stefanie Habluetzel, Zürich; Linda Herzog, Zürich; Tom Holert, Köln; pro qm (Jesko Fezer, Axel John Wieder, Katja Reichard), Berlin; Irene Ledermann, Zürich, Renate Menzi, Zürich; Felix Reidenbach, Hamburg; Dominik Roost, Zürich; Simone Rüssli, Basel; Teresa Salerno, Zürich, Kilian Schellbach, Leipzig; Peter Spillmann, Zürich; Mladen Stilinovic, Zagreb; Marion von Osten, Zürich/Berlin; Monika Wisniewska, Zürich; Carey Young, London.

Architektur: This Dormann
Szenographie: Peter Spillmann / Marion von Osten
Bauten: Werkstatt MfGZ, Jürg Abegg (Leitung)
Grafik: Natalie Seitz, Ilien Dütscher
Pressearbeit: Tina Gut
Publikation: Edition MfGZ, Christina Reble

«Be Creative!» ist eine Kooperationsinitiative des Instituts für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst (Marion von Osten) mit dem D/O/C/K Projektbereich der Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Beatrice von Bismarck).
Mit Absolvent/innen und Studierenden der beiden Hochschulen, sowie geladenen Künstler/innen und Wissenschaftler/innen wurden zwei Ausstellungen entwickelt, die am 29.11. 02 in der Galerie des Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich und am 13.12. 02 in der Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig eröffnet wurden. Den unterschiedlichen Profilen der beiden Hochschulen und Ausstellungsorte entsprechend, entstanden zwei deutlich differenzierte Ausstellungsproduktionen und Vortragsprogramme, die sich jedoch thematisch und personell immer wieder verschränken.  

> www.ith-z.ch
> www.hgb-leipzig.de/dock

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